10 books trend

You’re probably familiar with the tagging trend that recently circulated around Facebook. Once you get tagged (usually via a status), you must list 10 books “that have stayed with you in some way, affected you in some way” and tagged 10 friends to create a book list of their own.

And since I am friends with a lot of book nerds, here is my list:

  1. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
    Because Harry Potter. Seriously, I don’t even have the words to describe how addicted I was to this series and how much it influenced my life
  2.  Adventure Lands – selected and edited by Eleanor Johnson & Leland Jacobs
    My mom bought this book from a garage sale, intended for my brother but I ended up owning it for myself. This introduced me to American short stories.
  3. The Hound of the Baskervilles by A. Conan Doyle
    The first Sherlock Holmes novel that I read. It took me quite awhile to understand what a “moor” is.
  4. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
    Read the abridged version of this one and could never bring myself to read the original one. It’s a sad, sad story and I still ship David with Dora.
  5. Beyond Disappearance: Chronicles of Courage – published by FIND
    This is a compilation of stories of the ‘Desaparecidos’ (a Spanish term meaning, “The Disappeared,” now used to refer to people who were forcibly abducted or imprisoned for political reasons, often implying murder. I remember having trouble sleeping for quite some time after reading this one.
  6. Nine Letters: The Story of the 1986 Filipino Revolution by Cynthia Baron & Melba Suazo
    This is the book that got me thinking that I might have been a revolutionary in my past life.
  7. Animal Farm by George Orwell
    I seriously thought that this is children’s fable book. I was so absorbed that I memorized their Seven Commandments.
  8. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
    I won’t deny it. This book triggered my interest in Catholic conspiracies.
  9. Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas by Bob Ong
    Very witty book. Paved the way for me appreciate contemporary Filipino novels.
  10. Every Day by David Levithan
    The most recent book I read from this list and the last one that made me cry.

Got your own list of 10 books? Consider yourself tagged and don’t forget to link your list on the comments section below.